
Top 5 Benefits Of Installing Window Blinds

Top 5 Benefits Of Installing Window Blinds

Top 5 Benefits Of Installing Window Blinds

Posted on - 1st September 2023

An average morning routine goes something like this: wake up, exercise, shower, get dressed, make a coffee, eat breakfast and prepare for a day of work. However, one simple task we tend to do within our morning routine which if often overlooked, is opening our window blinds. At nightfall, we do the opposite by closing our window blinds before heading to bed and the pattern repeats again. 

Have you ever wondered why window blinds are installed in homes? Window blinds don’t just hang from your window for nothing. Continue reading as we share the top 5 benefits of installing window blinds.

1) Controls Light

The main benefit of installing window blinds is to control the amount of light that enters a room. The nature of its fabric and design ensures that no light penetrates into the room, meaning it stays dark, whether you’re heading to bed at night or enjoying a lie in. All window blinds are manufactured with a chain or cord which can be pulled or twisted to adjust to how bright you want the room to be. Not only do window blinds block out natural light at night but also any artificial light coming from passing vehicles, street lights, building lights and so on.

Research has found that exposure to light and darkness at appropriate times is essential for regulating your natural body clock. For individuals who work during the night, it can be difficult to find window blinds that completely black out light. Black out blinds are designed with a thicker fabric, blocking more daylight than standard window blinds, helping you enjoy a deep sleep even on the brightest days.

2) Reduces Noise

There is nothing worse than trying to sleep and there are noises keeping you awake during the night. Window blinds have a surprising impact on reducing noises, the same way they can block out light. This is particularly beneficial for anyone who lives in a busy area, alongside a busy road or just has noisy neighbours. New double or even triple glazed windows can achieve the same thing, however, high-quality blinds are far more friendly for your wallet.

3) Improves Thermal Efficiency

Adding an extra layer of fabric to your window will insulate it, keep the heat in and prevent it from escaping in the winter. This improves the thermal efficiency of your home, in turn, reducing your energy bills. Not only are window blinds beneficial in the winter, they can be closed in the summer to block the sun out and keep the room at a cool and comfortable temperature.

4) Increase Privacy

Window blinds can increase the level of privacy within the home. Depending on your needs, they can be opened, closed or adjusted to your liking. It’s perfectly ok to leave your window bare if you wish, however, you will be leaving your home vulnerable as noisy neighbours and passing strangers can see directly into your home, invading your privacy. Custom-made blinds fit perfectly to the size and shape of the window where they are hung. This means not only can they help block out light, cold draughts and noise, but they can also ensure that no one outside of your home can look into your personal space.

5) Enhances The Aesthetics Of A Home

Last but not least, window treatments play a major role in the world of interior design. Window blinds can enhance the aesthetics of a room, whether that is a bedroom, living room or kitchen. Window blinds are available in a huge variety of types and colours. For instance, wooden blinds add warmth, fabric blinds can add colour and patterns while aluminium blinds add a sleek and modern touch.

Window Blinds From Toons Furnishers

At Toons Furnishers, we have an extensive range of window blinds so you are guaranteed to find the right ones for your home’s interior style. Our range includes Roman blinds, roller blinds, venetian blinds and vertical blinds as well as blackout options. For your convenience, we also offer a free measuring service where our team of experts take measurements of your window for perfectly fitted bespoke blinds.

If you’re interested in giving your home a complete makeover, we also supply other products including curtains, shutters, wallpaper, cushions and throws as well as floorings and furniture. To see our full range of products, pay a visit to our showroom in Swadlincote. Alternatively, you can make an enquiry online by visiting our contact us page. Our team is passionate about interior design and we are on hand to help you choose the right window blinds or advise you on a complete home makeover.