
Open Or Close Your Curtains This Autumn?

Open Or Close Your Curtains This Autumn?

Open Or Close Your Curtains This Autumn?

Posted on - 12th October 2022

It seems widely accepted that you should close your curtains in the summer to keep the heat out. Likewise, it’s often said you should open them during the winter period to warm the room up. While this might seem like common knowledge, keeping your curtains open or closing them might not always seem so clear, especially during other times of the year. 

The weather in autumn can be temperamental to say the least. Earlier in autumn, the weather can be quite pleasant, meaning you might not be required to draw your curtains. Similarly, temperatures can start to plummet later in the season, and when they do, you may need to keep your curtains open. 

At Toons, we supply high-quality curtains from Derbyshire. With autumn upon us, we thought it would be beneficial to detail the advantages of leaving your curtains open or closed during this ever-changing season. 

Reasons To Keep Them Open

As previously alluded to, when it is cooler outside, you might want to keep your curtains open. Allowing cooler air into your home is a surefire way to cool it down. On the other hand, keeping your curtains open during periods of intense sunlight can drastically warm up your room and/or home. 

When you open your curtains, you allow the sun to shine through your windows.This acts as a magnifying glass, subsequently warming the room. In addition, when you keep your curtains open, it really brightens up the room! Brightening up your room might not sound like much of a benefit, however, it can really help to improve your mood, as well as make your room feel more appealing. 

A surprising benefit of opening your curtains is also helping to lower your energy bills. When you open your curtains and allow natural light in, it mitigates your reliance on lights – meaning they do not need to be on as much. In turn, this saves you money in the long run. 

Reasons To Close Them

When you close your curtains, you block a lot of the heat from sun out. By blocking out the sun, you shield your home from the direct sunlight and the magnified heat that comes with it. This significantly cools the room. This is of particular benefit in the summer months, when it is encouraged as a means of keeping your room from getting too hot. 

It can also have a very surprising effect on the dust in your room. Keeping your curtains closed, especially when the windows are open, stops all manner of dust and other bacteria from circulating around your room and accumulating on your surfaces. 

We Supply High-Quality Curtains 

At Toons, we supply a wide range of curtains to Tamworth, Staffordshire and surrounding areas. So, if you are looking for some stylish or elegant curtains this autumn, please contact us today.