
Toons Top Tips For Cleaning Wooden Furniture

Toons Top Tips For Cleaning Wooden Furniture

Toons Top Tips For Cleaning Wooden Furniture

Posted on - 1st October 2021

Wooden furniture has long been a staple in the furniture industry and interior design alike. And with good reason. When a piece of wooden furniture is well made, it has serious staying power, not to mention a timeless appeal.
However, there is one thing that can let down wooden furniture. The cleaning. Keeping wooden furniture clean is more difficult than wipe-clean alternatives. So what do you need to know about keeping wooden furniture clean?

Water On Wood

Water left on wood can leave a watermark that can be notoriously difficult to get rid of. So when it comes to cleaning your wooden furniture, we highly recommend using as little water on your cloth as possible, followed by drying it with a dry microfibre straight after.
If you already have a watermark on your furniture, such as a glass ring, there are a number of home remedies that you can use to either ease the appearance or remove it completely.
Firstly, a very small amount of plain white toothpaste, on a soft toothbrush, and using circular motions gently work it over the affected area. Take care not to use a scratchy toothbrush or coloured toothpaste. Gentle motions are advised and do not overwork the area to avoid taking the surface of. If you are unsure, please test on an area out of sight.
An alternative is to make a paste of 1 tablespoon baking soda and 1 teaspoon water. Gently rub the spot in a circular motion until it disappears. Remember not to use too much water as this will create a new stain.

General Cleaning

Every type of wood is different, so ensure that you take great care in any cleaning you carry out. Always remember if you are ever unsure, do a test patch on part of the furniture that isn't seen before moving on to the rest of the piece. Less is more. You can always add a product if needed, but you cannot take it away once it is on.

  1. Start by wiping down your wood furniture with a barely damp microfiber cloth to remove dust and grime. You never want water to sit on the wood, so quickly wipe it down with another dry microfiber cloth. For regular dusting, a quick wipe-down with a microfiber cloth will do the trick.
  2. If your wood furniture has any spots with sticky residue, add a drop of dish soap to a microfiber cloth and test a tiny, out-of-sight section of the furniture to make sure the finish doesn't get removed. If it's fine, combine a few drops of dish soap with a cup of water and gently work on the gummy section. Avoid soaking the wood in water, and once the spot is cleaned, wipe the area dry with another microfiber cloth.
  3. In more extreme situations, you might need to try mineral spirits. Again, test a small spot beforehand to make sure it won't remove the finish. Working in a well-ventilated area, apply a few mineral spirits to a clean cloth and rub down the sticky area. And if that still doesn't do the trick? You might need to consider refinishing the piece.
  4. Depending on your wood furniture, you might need to apply some wax to protect it and help keep its shine. Using a cheesecloth, apply a semi-solid wax (without silicone) to the wood furniture. Let the wax paste sit on the wooden surface for a few minutes before buffing it in with a clean microfiber cloth. Avoid polish sprays, which can leave a residue.

Please remember that wood is a delicate material to clean unless adequately protected. If you are unsure of which are the best products to use on your wood, please either call into our showroom or visit your local hardware store who will be able to advise you best on the products that they stock.